What does it cost to hire you?

Our fees vary depending on the service you require.  Typically, public adjusting fees are a percentage of the insurance settlement.  Percentages vary based on several factors including age and status of the claim.  Our fee percentage on a new claim will almost always be lower than the percentage we charge for existing/supplemental/reopened claims (the only exceptions are when our fees are legally mandated or capped, such as after a state of emergency in some states.)  For your own sake, we always recommend hiring us as soon as possible in the claims process.  We will typically achieve results more quickly and more satisfactorily when we can handle a claim from its outset.

Most states and policies require appraisers and umpires to be disinterested, which means we can only charge either hourly or flat fees for appraisal work.  Contingency percentages are not an option in most states.  Most appraisals will be charged on an hourly basis, but some exceptions do exist for certain types of claims where we might offer a flat-fee arrangement.

In almost all circumstances, the policyholder is responsible for paying our fee.  Some policies and states require insurance companies to pay the policyholder's appraisal fees in some limited circumstances. 

Are you a government entity because you are a "public" adjuster?

No.  We are a private organization.  We are licensed by the government, specifically the same regulatory bodies that regulate insurance companies.  But we are in no way, shape, or form a governmental agency.

Do you guarantee results?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee any final settlement amounts or timeframes.  Many factors out of our control will affect final settlements including but not limited to your policy coverages and limits, the facts of the claim or damage, how the claim was documented immediately after the loss, the policyholder's ability to provide required information about damaged property, the insurance company's willingness and level of cooperation, state and local laws affecting the claim and construction, etc, etc.  

How long does the process take?

Again, this is an answer that varies depending on several factors.  We don't mean to be vague or obtuse.  It depends on the type of loss, the amout of damage, your policy coverages, your location, how quickly we became involved in the claim (on average, claims close much more quickly when we're involved from the outset as opposed to becoming involved later in the claims process), whether it was a large weather event (for natural disasters, insurance companies carry "reinsurance", which is kind of like insurnace for insurance companies, and which means claims typically get settled more quickly because the claim payments are being backed by a different entity than your insurance company), the competency and experience of the insurance company's adjuster, etc, etc.  

Claims can take anywhere from days to years to settle.  We have internal deadlines and are happy to discuss those deadlines during your consultation or inspection. 

A government official said that you're just a bunch of locusts.  Is that true?

That's a subjective determination.  However, if you hire us, then we're your locusts and we only get a small percentage of our locusting.  You get the bulk of it.

If I'm happy with my insurance settlement, should I still call you?

This is a solicitation for business. If you have had a claim for an insured property loss or damage and you are satisfied with the payment by your insurer, you may disregard this advertisement.

However, if you're unhappy or unsure, please contact us.  If we can't help you, we'll be honest.  We don't get paid if we're not successful, which means that we don't handle claims that have no chance of success.  

The Fair Claims Group, Inc.

Client Portal:

Licensed Public Adjusters

Virginia Lic #139814

Maryland Lic #3000005025

Florida Lic. #W928387


Public Adjusting

Insurance Appraisal

Insurance Appraisal Umpiring





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